Monday, September 5, 2011

Assignment 1 - Triptych Montage

The Title of this Triptych is "Epiphany".  I assembled it in Adobe Photoshop Elements CS3.  I used scans from the graphic novel Watchmen by Alan Moore, as well as scans of a sticker and my passport.  The rest of the images were culled from Google.

This piece is meant to illustrate the moment when one realizes that in the grand scheme of the universe, their existence is an infinitesimal blip.  What might seem to be earth-shattering is just as unimportant as anything else.  But even if the universe is cold and unreachable, there is still beauty in its machinations- unfolding slowly on an unimaginable scale, comfortably unconcerned by the entirety of life as we know it.


  1. Have you ever seen the Mystery Science Theater movie "Mitchell?" It is the best movie I've ever seen. I love the contrast between the comic style ground and the realistic space. Great job!

  2. We talked of these in depth in class so I will keep it brief here. Nice work overall!

  3. I love how the comic gives the piece a retro style and the background image has a modern feel. It has a nice flow and connects really well through the space theme.
