Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Assignment 5 - Video Reenactment

For my project, I chose to reenact Raymonde Carasco's video piece "Gradiva Sketch 1".  The piece explores Wilhelm Jensen's novel "Gradiva", which is based on a bas relief from Pompeii, and Sigmund Freud's famous analysis of the novel and its author's mental state.  The piece compartmentalizes the beauty of the woman, focusing solely on her feet as she walks through the city.  I feel that the musical score ads a sense of liveliness to the piece, which features long stretches of static imagery that is punctuated in quick bursts.

The reenactment was filmed on a patch of landscaping to the north of the Church Fine Arts Building.  The feet are those of my friend Rose Chascsa.  I chose to reenact a part of the piece from about a minute in, because that is when the ethereal nature of the piece is first suggested by the entrance of the accompanying music.

1 comment:

  1. DJ,
    Nicely done! It would be helpful on the blog to note the time frame of your selected sequence.

    A very simple yet haunting original work. I wanted to the work to keep going - seems to end to abruptly. You might have gone a bit further in precisely duplicating the shot, including perhaps processing your coloration to come closer to matching the older film stock quality of the original. As you had no edits to speak of, coming closer to an exact duplication was essential towards holding our attention and providing you with more of a challenge in reproduction.

